Saturday, April 5, 2008

Baby Girl Turns 1!!

Oh yes, the big ONE! I can't believe a whole year ago I was in the hospital waiting to bring my new bundle home!! It really has flied by. Looking at her today, I see a bright eyed petite little fireball who never wants to sit still. So, I thought I would share some of her favorite and not so favorite things with you! Here goes...

Shayne's Favorites:
* Her soft blankies (any one will do!)
* Her Dodger dog
* Being outside
*Cheese and toast
*Dancing (literally)
*Her Nana
*Going upstairs to find Mama or Dada!
*Putting on everyone's shoes!

*Playing Guitar with Dada!

Shayne's Dislikes:
*Hearing the word "NO" (what baby likes that word?)
*Sitting in her high chair
*Getting dressed
*Long drives
*Having to come inside

Well, I know it's been a while since my last post, hard to keep everything up between trying to stay on top of her scrapbooks and just life! But today (the 4th) is a HUGE day in our family history!! And today (the 5th) we are celebrating...with a huge 50's sock hop! Wish you all could be here to see our crazy and hilarious costumes...we love dressing up! Well, here's to another wonderfully rewarding year of being your Mommy baby girl Shayne, we love you!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

We Have A Climber!

So, we now have a 10 month old...crazy I know! In two short months I will have a one year old, but let's not jump ahead, I can already barely keep up! Anyway, I have to share what a funny little girl we have. We realized that she apparently loves the thought of climbing on stuff, if only she could climb on more things, I know that's what she's thinking! So, yesterday I looked back to see her literally standing on Dodger while holding onto the coffee table (he was actually lying right next to the table) Somehow, she stepped up onto him and was balancing all the while, he was wagging his tail laying there of course! Next thing you know an hour or so later, I catch her standing on our roomba ( you know my favorite little vaccum robot that is shaped like a disk!), with both feet. This time she was keeping her balance on our china cabinet. It is just too funny seeing such a little girl become such a daredevil! Boy are we in trouble!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

My BIG, little 9 month old!

Nine months old today! Can't believe baby girl is so cute. Her latest...she knows the word "dance" I ask her to show us how she dances and she pops her little knees and stomps one foot! And we say "go Shayne, go Shayne" and she keeps on dancin' and laughs, thinks it's real funny! Her two teeth are way in now and it's so cute to see her toothy grin! She is a character, doing more funny stuff each day.
Well, the holidays are over and it was really fun with it being Shayne's first Christmas! She loved opening presents...from the wrapping paper and boxes to what was actually inside. I am secretly glad they are over though, kind of overwhelming! I will try to post a video of her "dancing" as soon as I can capture it, cause it's hilarious! Wishing you all a wonderful 2008!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Poor Baby :(

My poor little girl is in sooo much pain. Because of her first two teeth of course! I guess for Christmas she actually got her two front (bottom) teeth! Poor little one is sooo not herself though. I can tell she is hurting by the way she jolts her little body and only wants to be with her Mama....even Nana doesn't quite do! And of course her teeth have caused a terrible diaper rash and a red ear (had it checked ear ache at least!) I just hope she gets a break (and me too) before her next ones come in...Besides all that, she is just the cutest little button. She really is doing well considering. She will be nine months soon, I can't believe it. Where does the time go? She is within a couple months, if not one, of walking...I just know it. She is so quick to stand up on everything and is beginning to cruise along the furniture now! When we had her ear checked we got to see how much she weighed! She is a whopping 13.11 But really that is good...that means she gained a pound this last month. She is getting so big and her hair is growing longer and longer down her little back, I actually had to blow dry it tonight! All in all, life is crazy ( these holidays) but great!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Not enough hours...

Wow, it's been a really long time since I've had the "time" to write. I swear, there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done, not to mention to write basically to myself! As therapeutic as this is...can't seem to get to it! I seriously have been freaking out lately (I think the obsessive compulsiveness is kicking in!) about everything that I either have to or want to do. I have broken down and so far have 4 sticky notes next to my fridge with notes of what I need "to do" or what I need to buy at various stores...this is how boggled my mind is! So, don't be shocked if you come over and I have turned into one large yellow square, a sticky note. For today, most duties are done...maybe I will spend a little time on my hobby (something for myself, unbelievable)! Uh oh, baby is up...back to the real world!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Just Like Me!

Too bad our baby girl got my far as being impatient, getting easily frustrated, throwing tantrums and super crazy about wanting HER way! I can already see it...she starts crawling and because she can't figure out how to get back to her bottom to sit up, she puts her head down and starts SCREAMING in frustration! She got everything else of her dad's, why couldn't she get his "cool as a cucumber" personality and super crazy patience?? Oh well, maybe she'll grow out of it...wait, I never did!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sooooo Big...but still so little!

My baby girl crawled for the first time last week! It is such a cute little crawl and so weird to see her down on the floor, such a little thing in this big bad world! She got lots of practice all weekend while we were away in Texas visiting fam..and her big little cousin was great inspiration to move about! She still wishes she could walk though! I can't imagine that stage...I am still soaking up the reality of her crawling...let's not move too fast people. I will update you on how skinny I am after I have been chasing her around the house now that she will be into EVERYTHING!!! I love my little crawler!